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Acknowledgement Policy

Please remember to add the acknowledgement to your publications:

This work made use of the Jerome B.Cohen X-Ray Diffraction Facility supported by the MRSEC program of the National Science Foundation (DMR-2308691) at the Materials Research Center of Northwestern University and the Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental (SHyNE) Resource (NSF ECCS-1542205.)

IMPORTANT: please read  “Publication Guidelines for Users of University Core Facilities” from the Vice president for Research.

COVID-19 Facility Pandemic Mitigation Procedures

The X-Ray Facility Will Open June 1, 2020

Users will be able to make reservations in NUcore.  Contact the manager if you need training on a new instrument.

Users must follow the procedures below while in the facility to mitigate Corona Virus.

  • Enter the facility through the south-west door only. Exit only through any of the other three doors.
  • There is a maximum of 15 people allowed in the facility at any one time. Check the number of persons when you arrive. See manager if there are more than 15.
  • Wash your hands upon entering, follow the sign to sink area.
  • Wear a facemask while in the facility.
  • Only 1 user is allowed at a sample prep area. There are now 9 designated sample prep areas around the lab.
  • You are required to wipe the sample prep area down with the university supplied disinfectant when you have finished working. 
  • Do not spray disinfectant directly on equipment. Spray on to a paper towel and then wipe down surfaces.
  • Wipe off instrument door handles and the computer table with disinfectant. Do not wipe down the keyboard or mouse as this may cause software issues.
  • The disinfectant is located in a tray outside the manager’ s office. Return the bottles to the tray when finished. You can get disinfectant from ORS so, don’t walk-off with the bottle!
  • Only 1 person is allowed at an instrument or the ICDD / Jade analysis computer.  
  • Wash your hands when leaving.

Secondary Storage Devices

The use of flash-drives, portable hard-drives, etc., on X-ray Facility computers is prohibited.

The facility uses an NU protected network for your data.

Facility Hours

Normal facility hours of operation are weekdays 7:30 AM-6:00 PM.

Northwestern users are permitted 24/7 access.

For after hours use, the facility uses the Indala Wildcard system; see manager.

Non-Northwestern users are limited to weekdays 9am-4pm only.

Facility Software

There is no charge to use Jade, ICDD  database, or any other facility software.

Required Safety Certification

All users are required to successfully complete the Office for Research “X-Ray Safety Certification” course and wear an assigned x-ray dosimeter ring badge when operating any x-ray instrument.


Reservations are made through Nucore.

Because there are no cancellation fees, as a courtesy to other users, we ask ask that you cancel your unwanted reservations ASAP.

Training - Instrument Components

You must never remove or install components on instruments if you have not yet completed the training, e.g. installing monochromators, heating stages, environmental chambers, detectors, etc.

Usage Charge

There is a minimum charge of one hour of instrument use.

*Usage Fees